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Just Little Sloth 小樹懶咖啡花茶屋

Schuchmann Mukuzani 2021(Private Label)

Schuchmann Mukuzani 2021(Private Label)

Regular price HK$188.00
Regular price Sale price HK$188.00
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SCHUCHMANN MUKUZANI 2021(獨家限量Private Label)

Style: Dry Red

Country: Georgia

Grape: Saperavi

Qvevri: No

Alcohol: 13.5%

經法國木桶陳年一年, 比上一枝Saperavi多一點層次又不失果香。呈現紅寶石般的動人顏色, 充滿森林雜莓香氣, 回甘帶有絲絲煙燻氣息, 風格簡單直接, 但又充滿後勁, 宜搭配牛等高纖維的料理。

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